Graduates of College Pierre Toussaint, their parents and teachers during the ceremony at St Jean Baptiste Church in Sassier. Note that the Church is being rehabilitated and expanded. |
The other dream that has become a reality in Sassier is the first 13th Grade graduation class from College Pierre Toussaint. Eleven 13th Graders and 50 12th Graders took part in the ceremony on Sunday, June 23, 2013. We were honored to have a delegation from the Archdiocese of New York travel to Sassier to join in the festivities and present Venerable Pierre Toussaint medallions to each of the graduates. Ron LaJoie of the Catholic New York covered the Graduation and wrote this wonderful report about the College and our great students. Read the report here.
He also wrote a nice introductory report about the Archdiocese of New York’s Pierre Toussaint Scholars sending greetings and gifts to College Pierre Toussaint graduates. Read the report here.
Our graduates have now taken their National Exams and are eagerly awaiting the results, which should be released in early August. Congratulations to them all.